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Behaviour Response Catalog

Behaviours vary widely, from subtle signs of low-level anxiety to actions that lead to physical harm.

Each response tells a story about our emotional landscape, showing the spectrum of human experience.


Navigating different levels of behaviour calls for tailored response strategies. Sometimes, addressing concerns takes clear and reasonable communication, while other situations may demand a more substantial intervention.


We must create a safe work environment free from the threats of violence and harassment. This isn’t just a responsibility; it’s essential for everyone’s well-being.


Understanding behaviour can be tricky, primarily since it manifests differently in both victims and aggressors. Remember, every behaviour is a form of communication that carries its message. Let’s stay attentive and responsive to these signals!

Foundation Skills

Core knowledge

A solid communication foundation is vital for navigating all aspects of behaviour. Understanding nonverbal cues, para verbal tones, verbal expressions, intentions, and actions can significantly impact our interactions. Being aware of these elements can foster more predictable and positive outcomes in our relationships and reputation.​


  • AVERT Foundation Communication Corse

  • Non-Violent Crisis Intervention

  • Communication and De-Escalation

  • Negotiate and Resolve

  • Customer Service for Security

  • Safety And Risk Assessments

  • Engaging with Homeless Populations

  • Engaging with Addiction Based Behaviours

  • Mental Health and Illness

Environmental training

Safety Interventions

The environment significantly influences the development and progression of specific behaviours. Establishing a sense of privacy is sometimes crucial, while expansive open spaces are sometimes necessary at other times. In situations of heightened threat, implementing Lock-Downs and Safe Haven Responses becomes vital for safety and security.


  • Non-Restrictive Environmental Interventions Level 1

  • Non-Restrictive Environmental Interventions Level 2

  • Radius Factors and Staff Response

  • Contact, Cover and Control

  • Isolate and Coordinate

  • Active Intruder Orange Response

  • Active Intruder Red Response

  • Mental Health and Resiliency for Staff

Use of Force | Restraints

Physical interventions

There are moments when a physical response becomes necessary. It's important to note that not every physical reaction equates to a use-of-force situation. The reasons behind needing a physical response can vary widely. Still, it’s crucial to remember that policies should never eliminate the option to use force. Instead, this should be a last resort when no safer alternatives are available. Creating a balance between safety and necessary action is critical.


  • Active Single Disengagement

  • Active Team Disengagement

  • HandCuffing and Arrest

  • Self Defense Workshop

  • Self Defense Full

  • Safe Walk and Escort Protection

  • Close Protection Training

  • Passive Evication and Ejections

  • Resistive Evications and Ejections

  • Subject Control Tactics

  • Physical Detention and Tension Reduction

Training Packages

Training can be a valuable investment without overwhelming costs. We offer a range of supports, including potential discounts of up to 50%, assistance navigating government grants and funding options, and the long-term savings associated with reduced staff turnover and increased productivity. Let us help you maximize your training budget effectively.

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